Geographic information for development Planning

Explore, query, analyze, and download geographic information,
integrated from across a wide range of thematic sectors.


Decision-support through Information and Data Mining Tools

This information platform provides easy access to thematically integrated geographic information layers on a wide range of topics that can help to guide important decisions on land management.

Use the below tools to explore, query, analyze and download the data.

Map Explorer

Explore a wide range of thematic map layers, and combine those to build your custom map.

Map analyst

Draw your area of interest on a map, and receive detailed analytical results on the socioeconomic and environmental context of that area.

Explore areas with multiple usage claims on land, compare land use plans with the current situation, explore land use changes over time, and identify areas with specific risks.

Development Indicators

Query, select, explore, and download statistical indictors from a wide range of thematic fields.

Context of Development Cooperation

Explore rural development stakeholder activities in the Lao PDR.

Map Repository

Download maps, documents, etc…

Data Catalogue

Use the data catalogue to browse through, check-out meta-data, and download available data


Download various knowledge products.

About this Platform

This information platform of the Government of the Lao PDR offers easy to use tools to explore, analyze and download data shared by a wide range of sectors of the Government. It serves as an aid to informed decision-making towards development planning that fosters equitable sustainable management of lands that preserves and protects the rich natural assets of the country.
The platform has been developed as part of the Knowledge for Development (K4D) Project, technically supported by the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Bern, with funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The system is hosted and managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), and the individual datasets are provided and managed by the respective sectoral offices and ministries.

Platform managed and data and information shared by:


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